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Blog posts tagged
"Charmed Kubernetes"

11 February 2025

Canonical announces 12 year Kubernetes LTS 

Canonical announcements Article

Canonical’s Kubernetes LTS (Long Term Support) will support FedRAMP compliance and receive at least 12 years of committed security maintenance and enterprise support on bare metal, public clouds, OpenStack, Canonical MicroCloud and VMware. February 11,  2025 Today, Canonical announced a 12 year security maintenance and support commitment ...

Marcin "Perk" Stożek
14 March 2024

How should a great K8s distro feel? Try the new Canonical Kubernetes, now in beta

Kubernetes Article

Try the new Canonical Kubernetes beta, our new distribution that combines ZeroOps for small clusters and intelligent automation for larger production environments that also want to benefit from the latest community innovations ...

Marcin "Perk" Stożek
14 December 2023

Canonical Kubernetes 1.29 is now generally available

Kubernetes Article

A new upstream Kubernetes release, 1.29, is generally available, with significant new features and bugfixes. Canonical closely follows upstream development, harmonising our releases to deliver timely and up-to-date enhancements backed by our commitment to security and support – which means that MicroK8s 1.29 is now generally available as ...

Yalton Ruiz
16 August 2023

Canonical Kubernetes 1.28 is now generally available

Kubernetes Article

Canonical Kubernetes 1.28 GA. Charm Kubernetes 1.28MicroK8s 1.28Kubernetes upstream 1.28 ...

18 May 2023

Kubernetes로 5G의 잠재력 활용하기

Cloud and server Kubernetes

5세대 무선 기술인 5G는 우리가 연결하고 소통하는 방식을 변화하고 있습니다. 4G보다 최대 100배 빠른 데이터 전송 속도를 제공하는 5G 기술은 더 빠른 다운로드 및 업로드 시간, 낮은 latency 그리고 더 많은 기기의 연결이 가능합니다. 추가로 5G 네트워크는 고대역 및 저대역을 포함하는 더 넓은 주파수 범위를 지원하여 더 넓은 커버리지와 더 우수한 안정성을 보장합니다. 5G는 모바일 ...

Yalton Ruiz
12 April 2023

Canonical Kubernetes 1.27 announcement

Kubernetes Article

Canonical Kubernetes 1.27 GA. Charm Kubernetes and MicroK8s ...

Michael C. Jaeger
24 March 2023

The Indico software operator is now available to optimise event management

Charms Article

With Juju, Indico can be easily deployed on private clouds as well as on a public cloud. Juju and Charmed Operators provide for all the elements of Indico, such as the Web server, storage, and databases, a uniform interface for operations and an abstraction from the deployment infrastructure – reducing efforts significantly. ...

Yalton Ruiz
24 February 2023

Harnessing the potential of 5G with Kubernetes

Ubuntu Article

Harnessing the potential of 5G with Kubernetes 5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology which is transforming the way we connect and communicate. With data transfer speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G, 5G technology enables faster download and upload times, lower latency and a higher number of connected devices. Additionally, 5 ...

Alex Jones
6 January 2023

Kubescape brings a new level of security to Charmed Kubernetes

Cloud and server Article

The popular open-source platform Kubescape by ARMO has been recently announced as a fully managed operator called a Charm for Canonical’s Charmed Kubernetes distribution. This collaboration between Canonical and ARMO is exciting for the solution it enables for end users, ultimately resulting in hardened and more secure Kubernetes environm ...

Alex Jones
12 December 2022

Canonical Kubernetes 1.26 is now generally available

Kubernetes Article

Canonical Kubernetes 1.26 is now generally available for both distributions, Charmed Kubernetes and MicroK8s, following the release of upstream Kubernetes on the 8th of December. We consistently follow the upstream release cadence to provide our users and customers with the latest improvements and fixes, together with security maintenance ...

Stone Preston
7 June 2022

The Kubernetes Autoscaler Charm

Kubernetes Article

Managing a Kubernetes cluster is a complex endeavor. As demands on a cluster grow, increasing the number of deployed pods can help ease the load on the system. But what do you do when you run out of nodes to host those pods, or when the load decreases and some nodes are no longer needed? ...

Michael C. Jaeger
5 May 2022

The Operator Day Industry Panel Discussion at Kubecon EU 2022

Cloud and server Article

Find out who the panelists are for the Industry Panel discussion during Operator Day on May 16th. During this virtual session industry thought leaders will discuss the latest trends and developments about Kubernetes and Operators. Our panelists are not only thought leaders in various areas of cloud-native technologies, but also work at le ...

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